Essential Maths for Biologists, Medics and Vets
Learning objectives
1A Convert between decimals and scientific notation and vice versa (audioivisual 7 min 15s) | |
1B Add, subtract, multiply and divide with scientific notation (audioivisual 10 min 46s) | |
1C Using prefixes (audioivisual 3 min 27s) | |
1D Converting between units (audioivisual 3 min 46s) | |
1A-1D Scientific notation, powers and prefixes (pdf) | |
1 Standard form, powers and prefixes - Practice questions | |
1 Standard form, powers and prefixes - 10 question Test | |
Learning objectives
2A Distinguishing between amount and concentration (audioivisual 3 min 20s) | |
2B Converting amounts from g to mol and vice versa; Calculating concentrations in g/L or M (molar) and express with an appropriate prefix; Convert between concentration in g/L and M; Making solutions: moles and molar concentration (audioivisual 5 min 24s) | |
2C Calculating volume required to make a dilution and the concentration of the resulting solution (Making dilutions (audioivisual 7min 28s) | |
2A - 2C Amount and Concentration (pdf) | |
2 Standard form, powers and prefixes - Practice questions | |
2 Standard form, powers and prefixes - 10 question Test | |
Learning objectives Equations warm-up
Equations for straight lines using spectrophotometry as a case-study:
Equations for curves using the Michaelis-Menten equation as a case-study:
Equations warm-up | |
3A1 To add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions using numbers and symbols (audioivisual 3 min 4s) | |
3A1 Practice with fractions (pdf) | |
3A2 Doing calculations in the right order (pdf) | |
3A3 To be able to rearrange equations (audioivisual 11 min 12 s) | |
3A3 Manipulating equations (pdf) | |
Equations for straight lines using spectrophotometry as a case-study: | |
3B1 Getting the equation for a straight line (pdf) | |
3B2 Spectrophotometry - to be able to state the Beer-Lambert Law and define the Molar Absorbance Coefficient (audioivisual 4 min 8s) | |
3B2 Principles of spectrophotometry (pdf) | |
3B3 Calculate the Molar Absorbance Coefficient and to keep track of the units (audioivisual 4 min 35 s) | |
3B3 Calculating the molar absorbance coefficient from experimental data (pdf) | |
3B4 Calculate the concentration of a substance - if the absorbance, molar absorbance coefficient and path-length are known - using a calibration curve (standard curve) (audioivisual 4 min 22s) |
3B4 Determining the concentration of a substance in a mixture (pdf) |
Equations for curves using the Michaelis-Menten equation as a case-study: | |
3C1 Deriving the Michaelis-Menten equation (audioivisual 7 min 58s) | |
3C2 Using the Michaelis-Menten equation (audioivisual 5 min 5s) | |
3C1-3C2 Equations for Curves (pdf) | |
3 Understanding and Using Equations - Practice questions | |
3 Understanding and Using Equations - 10 question Test | |